Finansiell kalender
Styrets mindretall ønsker å velge nytt styre etter avstemming om å bevilge 16 millioner før MPW testet og godkjent
Update on progress regarding Multi-Project-Wafer ("MPW")
Oppdatering på progresjon vedrørende Multi-Project-Wafer ("MPW")
Harmonychain AS (OSE: HMONY) Meldingspliktig handel fra Primærinnsider
Grant from Protocol labs for data center storage
Primary insider purchase of shares
Primary insider purchase of shares
Scrypt ASIC MPW-design ferdig, men deltakelse på MPW forventes november
Scrypt ASIC MPW-design complete, but participation on MPW expected in november
Ex. Core Scientific Inc. VP new Advisory Board Member
Purchase of securities from primary insider
The Harmonychain Group has under development a face recognition Artificial Intelligence (AI) microchip
Our new Scrypt Supercomputer Chip 1 under development may potentially be designed as a Dual Purpose Chip, with face recognition AI Capability, by adding extra I/O design. This is an example of how our supercomputer chip developement may have uses outside Blockchain.
Advisory Board established with global reach
Harmonychain is pleased to announce that we have established an advisory board. We are proud to present Matthew Carson as our first member of this advisory board.
Scryptpool now in Beta
Harmonychain AS is today pleased to announce that our Scrypt-pool project has now reached closed Beta. In the closed Beta phase, we will gain experience from operations over time before we open up to external, invited users.
Relocate Data Centers to Norway
We welcome international Data Centers wanting to relocate to Norway to contact us on or tel. +4746290000 for frequently asked questions or assistance.
Data Center
Arctic Core AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harmonychain AS, is pleased to announce that we recently purchased our first property for developing a data center of 995 square meters in Halden, Norway. We expect to take over the property on or around 16.11.2021.
The Lokotech goal is to offer a Scrypt miner with a higher hash rate, lower power consumption (0.099 J/MH) and lower price than competitors.
The design of the ASIC has been improved so that it is now more power efficient. Preliminary simulation shows a performance of as much as 9.95MH/s per 0.984 Watt, which corresponds to only 0.099 Joules per Megahash (0.099 J/MH). This is more than 10 MH per Joule.
Research Council (SkatteFUNN) application approved
Lokotech AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harmonychain AS, was today informed that their SkatteFUNN application has been approved by the Research Council of Norway.
Letter of Intent with major Asian listed technology company
We are pleased to announce that a Harmonychain subsidiary has signed a non-binding letter of intent (LOI) with a major Asian stock exchange listed technology company to explore data center cooperation in the United States.